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540 Freek Street 450 district, next of kiyev port south, New York


+8 800 5654 458



Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful

Welcome to Speedy Tan, where our mission is to add a dash of sun-kissed radiance to your life, quicker than ever!

Our story begins, rather unexpectedly, in the foggy town of Little Hampton, England, known more for its cloudy days than sunlit ones. Our founders, the spirited duo of Laura and James, were residents of this quaint town. What they lacked in sunshine, they made up for with their glowing personalities and a fiery passion for adventure.

As avid travelers, they soaked up the sun in numerous tropical locales, and along the way, they fell in love with the beautifully bronzed tan that seemed to perfectly encapsulate their adventurous spirit.

However, back in Little Hampton, maintaining this sun-kissed look proved a challenge. This struggle sparked an idea – if they couldn’t speed up the English sun, they’d bring the speed to tanning. Thus, Speedy Tan was born.

Fuelled by a passion for the sun and an entrepreneurial spirit, Laura and James embarked on a journey to create tanning products that could give anyone a quick, even, and beautiful tan, regardless of geography or weather.

They immersed themselves in extensive research, rigorous testing, and endless iterations until they formulated products that not only delivered a speedy tan but also cared for the skin.

At Speedy Tan, we believe everyone deserves a radiant glow that reflects their inner vitality, no matter where they live. That’s why our diverse range of tanning accessories and solutions are designed with the highest quality ingredients to give you a faster, safer, and more convenient tanning experience.

Today, we’re proud to bring a bit of sunshine to our customers, even in places where the sun rarely peeks out from the clouds. What started as a personal quest has turned into a global pursuit, and we’re thrilled to have you join our tanning revolution.

Thank you for choosing Speedy Tan. Here’s to a radiant and speedy tan, from our family to yours!

Sourcing the Highest Quality Products

SpeedyTan only source and stock the absolute highest quality products. We only stock products that we use or have used oursevles in our persuit of the perfect tan. Our customers deserve nothing less! Shop Now

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